
Monday, February 21, 2011


Test 3 from blackberry

Test 2

Eric Stary

Another Test

Am I able to insert a picture into text.

Eric Stary MS, MBA, PMP, SSGB
Project Manager
Metrics and Process Improvement

Friday, February 4, 2011

Today's AWESOME Comments from a 4 year old

Awesome things my oldest said today:

While watching Max and Ruby:  "Max, don't eat all that chocolate, it will make you poop"!

While running around my house with his brother holding up tampons: "Mommy, mommy... what are these? Can we play with them?"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Number 1

Well here is, my third try at doing this.  I think the first two have been successful, in that I have learned some cool stuff to do.  When I started out with my first site at ericstary.com, I had no idea facebook was coming, so you will forgive me that the first one failed.  Number two was all about learning how to do this.  Hopefully number 3 becomes a tool, both for me to use as an outlet and for you to waste some time at work enjoying the stories, pics, and videos of our frustrations and joys.

Hope you enjoy!

- Eric