
Friday, April 29, 2011

Pyloric Stenosis

We had a pretty crazy day on Friday.  It started out much the same way the last 3 days had started.  With Grant projectile vomiting every ounce of food up.  So we took him to the pediatrician around 2:30.

They basically sent us straight to CCHMC for an ultrasound of his tummy.

At 3:45 we had the ultrasound and by 4:00 we were confirmed for Pyloric Stenosis.

By 5:00 we were at the ER for triage and by 7:00 we were in a room.

By 10:00 Grant was being prepped for surgery.  An hour and a half later he was in recovery.

We spent the next 36 hours at CCHMC and were discharged with a very sore, very tired little baby.

Grant at the hospital

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