
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 1

Wow... Day 1 has been pretty exciting so Day 2 is either gonna cause me to stroke out or should come back to a normal level of baby induced craziness.

Here are the highlights:

Grant and Gabe were born just after Noon on April Fool's Day.  I was all set to mess with everyone on Facebook, posting comments about 3 babies and multiple genders but I was so jacked up on goodness I couldn't even fib properly.  Here are a couple of shots from the delivery room.

Mom did really well in surgery and has been a superstar after.  She is tired and sore, obviously said the man who did not get a hole cut into his stomach, but she is improving hour by hour so hopefully she will be back to full strength in a day or so.

The babies have thus far been what one expects newborn twins to be... peachy!  The are eating, sleeping, and pooping (just like Daddy!).  I have already been peed on once, and I mean a good soaking kind of pee.  And every few minutes we can hear a squeak or a grunt coming from their direction.  I will write and post more as time allows today.


  1. How much do they weigh?? They look like big, strong, healthy babies!! Congrats!
