
Saturday, April 30, 2011


Day 2... Hopefully on the mend

Friday, April 29, 2011

Out of surgery

Pyloric Stenosis

We had a pretty crazy day on Friday.  It started out much the same way the last 3 days had started.  With Grant projectile vomiting every ounce of food up.  So we took him to the pediatrician around 2:30.

They basically sent us straight to CCHMC for an ultrasound of his tummy.

At 3:45 we had the ultrasound and by 4:00 we were confirmed for Pyloric Stenosis.

By 5:00 we were at the ER for triage and by 7:00 we were in a room.

By 10:00 Grant was being prepped for surgery.  An hour and a half later he was in recovery.

We spent the next 36 hours at CCHMC and were discharged with a very sore, very tired little baby.

Grant at the hospital

Monday, April 25, 2011

Sooooo Sleepy

Sometimes you take naps!  Wether or not you want to take a nap is not really up to you.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Triple Crown Easter Egg Hunt... Oh muffy find us some eggs

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Happy Birthday Beckham

Beck's 3rd birthday...

Twins sleeping

Beck's b-day

The "other" boys in the house

Pixie Dust

Goofing around on a Saturday morning

Jumpy Party

Just going through some old stuff on the netbook and I thought the boys needed their jumpy party video on the site.  So here it is.  Carson's 4th and Becks "unofficial" 3rd birthdays!

Just as a side note we have some great video of Carson and Becks as babies on DVD.  I will try to get them on here as well so the boys don't feel left out!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


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Gabe snuggling with Mawmaw

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Becks fixing his table

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Carson hiding from the camera

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April 5th

Everybody is doing much better today... YAY!

Mommy is back to feeling like a human again, she is still sore and tired (of course) but she is vastly improved from the weekend.  The babies are doing great as well, we had a pretty sweet little assembly line worked out for the overnight feedings > Feed > Burp > Diaper > Swaddle > Sleep > Repeat!  We were passing kids back and forth like the Harlem Globetrotters.

On a side note, both of our older kids have a bug (Carson ralphed all over the van on the way to school)!  Nothing says good morning like the smell of industrial strength cleaner on our new car seats.  But he seems pretty "normal" at the moment, so maybe this was all just an elaborate scheme to avoind pre-school this morning.

I will continue to post new pics as they are taken.

Monday, April 4, 2011


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Day 4

A few things to note. Having twins makes you the rock star of the birth

We need tags that say we have kids at home, we know what we are doing.

If you are a stranger and you don't work at the hospital you can not touch
my kids.

If I don't know you and you think we are "in trouble" keep your opinion to
yourself. Simple good luck will suffice.

Best comment from the staff in the last week. "Your other kids are 3 and
4, are they twins?".
- Yes the oldest ages in dog years!

Most common comment in the last 9 months "Twins, how did you do that?"
- If you don't know how babies are made you have bigger problems!

Sunday, April 3, 2011