
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A lot has changed

First off, let me apologize for the failures of the last year and a half.  Facebook had just gotten so large and so integral to the social experience that I just assumed I would use it.  But then I remembered that I basically hate Facebook, at least what the book has become (basically a place for people to rant about things they don't really understand and/or comment on "chain mail" style pictures and stories).

So... the blog is back!

I am sure I will fail at this again.  I am sure I will get busy and stop writing here again.  I am sure I will forget for a few days (again), but the intention is for me to post here at least twice a week.  To link up some of the awesome videos of the kids, share pictures, and tell some of their awesome stories.

Where we are today:

Well the big boys are now 6 and soon to turn 5, yes I know the blog title now no longer makes sense.  The twins will be 2 in a week.  Carson is in Kindergarten and Becks is in Pre-K.  They each have their own unique personalities (the twins share one) and they are all so different.  I still can't tell the twins apart (yes I realize I am a HORRIBLE parent), but in my defense they look and act just a like.  One of the best parts of being a twin parent is the fact I can take a picture with one of them and I can't tell which kid it is!  No, that is not good... I was making a joke... a bad joke... yes I know... not funny!

The boys are starting baseball this summer (our first organized sporting event), and hopefully the first of many Saturdays spent at a field yelling obscenities at other parents.  There will be video, oh yes... there will be.

Well... I am off to start my day at work.  I will write more later tonight or tomorrow.  I have lots of pics and videos to upload.  Lots of good stories to tell.

Remember, click on links, pay for college!

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